Wasting your precious time and money!
Wouldn't you like a super fast way to create CSV upload files for
PODTurbo & Laser Chili?
Of course you would!
so did I!
That's why I created...
Excel Spreadsheet Magic for
PODTurbo & Laser Chili
that will save you $$$$ & hours!
Watch this 5 min video where, in record time, I reveal, how I produce CSV files containing 2016 listings ready for upload via PODTurbo or Laser Chili. These spreadsheets constantly save me from HOURS & HOURS of boring labor intensive spreadsheet creation.

Someone could beat you to this price!
This Price Goes Up $1 With Every Sale
You Will NEVER see this price again!
Before PODSheets
- Hours of typing and checking
- 100 product listed
- Errors slipping through
- Less time for family and friends doing the things I enjoy.
After PODSheets
- Easy, fast info input/output
- June 2023 = 364,347 products listed (increasing daily)
- Peaceful, restful sleep
- MORE Special Days with family
How PODSheets Help.
- TIME-SAVING: PODSheets will save you time by automating the brain-curdling repetitive task of creating the CSV Upload Files for PODTurbo and Laser Chili.
- EFFORTLESS CSV FILE CREATION: PODSheets make creating the CSV Upload File for PODTurbo and Laser Chili a breeze. You will easily create hundreds of unique titles and other compulsory details with just a few clicks. Once you're happy, you're ready to go.
- INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY: PODSheets will increase your productivity and help you stay on top of your print-on-demand business allowing you to focus on growing your business and increasing your sales.
- USER-FRIENDLY INTERFACE: PODSheets are user-friendly Excel spreadsheets on the surface, but have a lot of "magic" working for you in the background.
- MY PERSONAL HELP: I've made easy-to-follow videos to guide you through the steps. It's really easy and I'm always there to help.

"PODSheets: the ultimate CSV wizard!"

Here’s your Deal!
I demonstrated how PODSheets MUGS can speed up the CSV creation for all kinds of mugs. I also mentioned there was more included.
Well here it is!
There are 3 PODSheets in the package!
PODSheets MUGS is the first spreadsheet created to help make the files I needed to upload 346,577 products, and growing every day.
Consider having to write all the unique titles, niche keywords, prices, front and back images, categories, subcategories, and color, and whether or not any of those fields apply to different products, 364,347 times.
364,347 / 300 lines per file (PODTurbo limit) = 1,215 CSV Files need to be created.
1,215 files at, let's say, 1 hour to create in Excel using some formulas to speed things up (I think that's being very conservative).
1,155 hours / 8 regular work hours = 152 days
Can you see why I wanted to do it easier and faster?
So, I dropped everything and invested a lot of time and money to get Excel Spreadsheets created, "with some custom wizardry built-in", which helped me quickly and easily create CSV Upload Files for Not Only PODTurbo but also Jewelry Message Cards AND Laser Chili Products!
PODSheets + PODTurbo + Laser Chili =
Product Listing SORCERY!
You have the opportunity of owning and using PODSheets for a fraction of the cost. But remember, this is a never to be seen again price, because the price increases with each completed purchase.
So get in quick and start saving time and making money.
The MORE listings out there, the MORE chance you have of making a sale.
PODSheets helps you make unique, keyword rich information for the critical parts of your listings in minutes.
So here's what you get:
- PODSheets MUGS - The Ultimate PODTurbo CSV File Creator ($600+)
- PODSheets JEWELRY - Message Card CSV file creator ($450)
- PODSheets LASER - Laser Chili CSV File creator ($450)
- Exclusive Members Only Training, where I'll guide you through the best way to use all the PODSheets to make your life even easier!

Don't miss this SUPER SPECIAL DEAL!
price goes up $1 with each completed purchase.

“Satisfaction + Effectiveness”
This will make your PODTurbo and Laser Chili CSV File Creation MUCH easier, or I don’t get paid.
I want PODSheets and all the bonuses to work for you, I wouldn’t expect you to take any risks at all. That’s why I'm offering a 30-Day “Satisfaction + Effectiveness” guarantee.
I want you to feel safe and secure knowing you have cutting-edge system that performs EXACTLY as I've explained. I'm 100% confident you’re going to LOVE it because I only use it to make my designs and I cannot imagine any other way to make all these designs in such a short amount of time.
Get started today with no risk thanks to a 30-day money-back guarantee.
If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied, just reach out and
I’ll refund your entire purchase with no questions asked.